Straightforward & Transparent Pricing

We offer no-surprises pricing


Get 2 months free on Annual Plans

Toggle to switch pricing between organization type.

Condos, Community & HOAs

Nonprofits & Charities

Condos & HOAs

$69/month with < 75 units

$99/month with 76 - 150 units

* More than 150 units, ask.

* Less than 30 units, ask.

* Need committees, let's talk. 

What's included?

Minutes & Agenda Templates
Board Overview
Action Tracking
Project Management
Documents Management & Storage
E-signatures & email notifications
Event Planning with Reminders
MFA & passwordless login
Unlimited Data (up to 1/2 TB)

Add Ons


Add Collaborative document editing


Add integration with Enumerate (formerly TOPS)


Need extra help getting started? We can get you set up.

Extra Training

Need extra training for your board?


Are you looking for expert advice?

Do you have questions about best practices in board management or governance 

 Let's talk.

Nonprofits & Charities

$99/month with 1 committee

$130/month with 2 or 3 committees

* Need more than 3 committees, ask

* Limited budget, let's talk.

What's included?

Minutes & Agenda Templates
Action Tracking
Project Management
Documents Management & Storage
Event Planning with Reminders
Email Notifications
MFA & Passwordless Login
Unlimited Data (up to 1/2 TB)

Add Ons


Add Collaborative document editing


Need extra help getting started? We can get you set up.

Extra Training

Need extra training for your board?


Are you looking for expert advice?

Do you have questions about best practices in board management or governance 

 Let's talk. 

All plans include:

Secure SSL encryption

Protecting your data is very important to us.


Regular blog posts and links to relevant resources.

24/7 Access

Access your board from anywhere, anytime.


If you have questions or problems, we are always available to help.

Regular updates

Every 2 – 4 weeks we release new updates.


Access to skills-based webinars. New webinars coming soon.

Frequently asked questions

What do you mean by "no surprises pricing?"
We don’t like finding out a few months into a subscription that we need more storage or it costs extra to add a new board member of staff person, so our pricing will stay the same during annual subscription.
What kinds of organizations use BoardSpace?
Condominiums, Homeowner Associations, Cooperatives, Non profits, Charities, Associations, Credit Unions, Condo or HOA Management Companies.
I don't understand what you mean by "Try BoardSpace RISK-FREE."
BoardSpace comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied in the first 60 days of your annual subscription, let us know why and give us a chance to fix it. If we can’t fix it for you we’ll refund 100% of the full cost.
Can multiple committees be setup within one subscription?
Yes, it is possible for any number of committees or boards to be set up.  We have designed our software with property management and property managers in mind as well as for the boards of condos, HOAs or not-for-profits who have a board and several committees. We have role-based permissions that control who has access to what.  For example, you might not want a member of the security committee to access the Board of Directors discussion.
How do I contact support?
Go to Support.

Is my data safe and secure?

BoardSpace has been tested using industry-accepted methodologies and tools that assure your data’s safety and privacy.  Tests included, as a minimum, the OWASP top ten vulnerabilities and custom tests specific to BoardSpace and its supporting infrastructure.

Our development team has received application security awareness and vulnerability testing training to help maintain this security posture through new releases and to keep current with the ever-changing threat landscape.

Yes, you can upload your own logo to customize the look.
What happens to my board's data if payment stops?
Send an email explaining what has happened and we’ll sort out access to your data.
I have an idea for a new feature. Are you interested?
Definitely.  We want to know your ideas for new features or modifications to existing features.  Contact us. 
Can I use BoardSpace for my committee?
Yes, BoardSpace can be used for a committee.  If you don’t need quorum for making decisions, when you setup the committee leave “unchecked” the “use quorum” box.