Our Affiliates

BoardSpace works with these awesome businesses.

Snaile Canada

Snaile is a Canadian-based company that provides fully integrated, smart parcel lockers for retail outlets, pharmacies, office buildings, school campuses, commercial industry and multi-residential properties such as apartments and condominiums.

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JPlug.io is the electric vehicle charging network available for EV drivers living in multi-family dwellings. Enjoy charging your electric car at home and having a full battery everyday.

Share your charger with others and make money in return. Choose to own your charger or rent it. Unleash the freedom of driving electric.

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Great Writing, Simplified

Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant.

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Vectors Group Nonprofit Management Consulting

Business Consulting for Nonprofits

Vectors Group is here to help you leverage best practices in strategic planning, funding diversification, communications, project management and organizational performance.

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Arch Capital Solutions

HOA Loan Specialists.

For HOAs in the United States 

We Help Associations Find Customized Loans

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