Power your housing coop with easy-to-use Board Management Software

Streamline administration.

How does BoardSpace transform housing coops?

Effortless Organization

Enhanced Transparency

Boosted Productivity

Easy to Use

"Having BoardSpace helped us to get our documents organized and uploaded. Best of all, we walk away from a meeting knowing what each of us needs to do before the next board meeting."

Duncan, Clint & Tony
Board of Directors, Ravenhill Condos

Great BoardSpace Features

BoardSpace features

  • Streamlined
  • Organized & Secure Documents
  • Streamlined
  • Streamlined meeting preparation
  • Libr
  • Monitored Action Items
  • Streamlined
  • Automated Event Notifications
  • Streamlined
  • Get valuable insights with Polls
  • Libr
  • Get insights & Oversight

Discover the tools that housing coops love.

Organized & Secure Documents

Never worry about finding your needed documents.

Monitored Action Items

No more spreadsheets.

Simple to keep track of deadlines & responsibilities. 

Automated Reminders.

Streamlined Meeting Preparation

Easily prepare board packages ahead of meetings fast & easy. 

Boards of Directors are priceless; our pricing is not.